
評分3.9(1,063)ProductDescription.HeartRateComboMonitoristheheartratecardthatusesadualstandardBluetoothSmart&5.3Khz.ItcanbeusedwithSmartPhoneand ...,ManuallysettheHeartRateZones·TaptheActivitySetupiconnexttothe“Start”button·SelectHeartRateMonitor·Tap“HeartRateZones ...,一打開App,iPhone主相機旁的閃光燈就會自動亮起,只要把食指覆蓋上去即開始偵測,你不需要按任何功能鍵。,AndroidiPhone免費版本「...

Runtastic RUNBT1 Heart Rate Combo Monitor, Bluetooth Cardio ...

評分 3.9 (1,063) Product Description. Heart Rate Combo Monitor is the heart rate card that uses a dual standard Bluetooth Smart & 5.3 Khz. It can be used with SmartPhone and ...

Manually set the Heart Rate Zones

Manually set the Heart Rate Zones · Tap the Activity Setup icon next to the “Start” button · Select Heart Rate Monitor · Tap “Heart Rate Zones ...

只要裝上Runtastic這套App 你的手機就能偵測心跳!

一打開App,iPhone 主相機旁的閃光燈就會自動亮起,只要把食指覆蓋上去即開始偵測,你不需要按任何功能鍵。

Runtastic Heart Rate 測量心跳次數過快過慢用手機追蹤健康

Android iPhone 免費版本「 Runtastic Heart Rate 」有心跳次數測量準確度,結合雲端資料庫,並且有個人健康心跳快慢的統計追蹤功能。

Runtastic Heart Rate for Android

評分 9/10 (1) · 免費 · Android Runtastic Heart Rate is a heart rate monitor that uses your Android device camera. It comes from the makers of well-known sports and running app, Runtastic.

Heart Rate Monitor

評分 4.4 (64,058) · 免費 · Android Heart rate or heartbeat is an important measure in health and fitness. Using Heart Rate Monitor app, you can measure and monitor your heart rate!

Runtastic Heart Rate Monitor

評分 2.7 (7) Compatible with smartphones including: Samsung, Nokia (Windows), LG, Blackberry, iPhone, etc; Comfortable and soft elastic chest strap; Heart rate ...

【iOS APP】Runtastic Heart Rate Monitor & Pulse Tracker PRO ...

Runtastic Heart Rate Monitor & Pulse Tracker PRO 能幫你隨時測量、記錄、追蹤你的心跳頻率,只需輕輕將食指按壓在攝影鏡頭上,它就會幫你進行測量,並有簡易圖示可讓你在 ...

runtastic Heart Rate Combo Monitor

已售完 Allows pulse data transmission without additional adapters via Bluetooth Smart wireless technology; Very low energy consumption; Bluetooth Smart technology and ...